Vasco Da Gama Preconference 2021
Visit us in Amsterdam, July 2021
Dear colleagues and friends,
As a part of Amsterdam hosting the fully digital 2021 WONCA Europe Conference, we are honoured to invite you for the hybrid Vasco da Gama Preconference! Our pre-conference will be held in the days ahead of the main WONCA Europe Conference. Due to COVID-19 we are not sure if we are able to organize a Preconference Exchange with practice visits throughout the Netherlands. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update about this topic.
Our hybrid Vasco da Gama Preconference will have the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam as the main venue. This beautiful building is located in the proximity of Amsterdam’s famous canals. We will bring up to 100 young European future and young family doctors together in real life during our Preconference. We hope to welcome even more guests to our Preconference online. The objective of our informal meeting is to present an international perspective on family medicine while meeting colleagues, friends and future friends.
The theme of our meeting will be “Do you dare to look in the mirror?”. Next to our scientific program, we will try to organize an unforgettable social event within the opportunities of that moment. So please mark 5 & 6 July in your calendar of 2021 and make sure you will not miss out on the fun.
For more information:
We are looking very much forward to welcome you all in Amsterdam or virtual in July 2021!
Kind regards,
Head organising committee VdGM preconference 2021
Elvira Ensink, Ellen Lohmann, Rogier Steins, Nadia Toumi, Rianne van Vliet and Fieke Vrielink