Abstract Submission & Guidelines
Abstract Submission for WONCA Europe 2021 is now closed.
For more information about the scholarship application and selection criteria, please click here.

Abstract Submission Opens
17 December 2020

Abstract Submission
1 February 2021

Abstract Submission
Extended Deadline
15 February 2021

Extraordinary Abstract
Submission Deadline
1 March 2021

End of April 2021
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
- Abstracts must be in easy English.
- Submitted abstracts must be original and not have been previously published or presented at an international scientific meeting.
- The abstract must contain no commercial promotional content.
- The abstract title should have no more than 20 words.
- The maximum length of the body of the abstract is 250 words. Tables and/or pictures are not accepted as part of the abstract.
Presentation Type Abstracts
- Workshop: 90-minute interactive group sessions focusing on relevant topics for general practitioners or family physicians. It could also focus on practical skills training. Dedicated technical briefings will be provided before the conference.
- Oral presentation: presentation of scientific research or other relevant projects followed by a short discussion.
- Case presentation by young doctor: short presentation of diagnostic/therapy with one or two cases followed by a discussion. This session is aimed at young doctors at the beginning of their career and mentors.
- 1 Slide – 5 minutes: short presentation of your research in one slide followed by a short discussion.
- E-poster: a one-page-long visually attractive e-poster.
Abstract layout – Abstracts should use the structure formats below.
Structure of the Abstract for Workshops
- Background
- Aim and learning objectives
- Methods and timetable
- (Proposed) Results / Conclusions
Structure of the Abstract for all other session types
- Background and purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Each delegate may submit up to 4 (four) abstracts as presenting author although he might be listed as a co-author in more than four.
Please prepare the following information:
- Presenting author’s contact details:
- Email address
- Full postal address
- Phone number
- Author and co-authors’ details
- Full first and family name(s)
- Affiliation details: department, institution, city, state (if relevant), country
- Fill in the presenting author’s name and e-mail address properly – these contact details will serve for further correspondence with the author(s).
- Please indicate the appropriate Conference topic and sub-topic.
- Select the Presentation type and include the abstract text following its Structured format.
- EACCME Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form: Mandatory for oral presenters (for presenters only, not for all co-authors) – completing this form is required by European Accreditation Council on CME (EACCME®). Presenters who do not submit this form will not be allowed to present at the Conference.
- The submission form of the Abstract submission system allows you to store your abstract as a DRAFT until the deadline. After the deadline, if not submitted, drafts will be deleted.
- Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to submit your abstract. Changes will not be possible to your abstract after it is submitted, unless requested by the Scientific Committee.
- You will receive an abstract ID number via email after you have submitted your abstract. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
- Please Contact Us if you have not received confirmation that your abstract has been submitted.
- Each abstract will be assessed by two reviewers independently. The Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.
- Only abstracts of presenters who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled and included in the congress abstract book.
- All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published on the Conference website prior to the Conference.
During abstract submission you will be asked to confirm that you agree to the following:
- I confirm that I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and I am aware that it will be published as submitted.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. Conference website, programs, other promotions, etc.)
- The Abstract Submitter warrants and represents that no part of the information and content provided by him/her (Hereafter: the “Content“) to WONCA and Kenes International Organizers of Congresses SA and its affiliates (together: the “Organizers“), nor the publication of any such Content by each of the Organizers, on the internet or otherwise infringes any third party rights, including but not limited to privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.
- The Abstract Submitter grants each of the Organizers the license and right to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the Content or any part thereof, in any manner and on any platform or media whatsoever, in each Organizer’s absolute discretion, on a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive basis.
- I herewith confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the presenting author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The presenting author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract. The submitting author may request to be copied on the abstract correspondence.
- I understand that the presenting author must be a registered participant.
- The Organizers reserve the right to remove from publication and/or presentation an abstract that does not comply with the above.
- I understand that I must select a specific Topic and Sub-Topic for my abstract allocation. Although the Committee will work hard to honour this selection, this cannot be guaranteed. The Committee reserves the right to change the Topic and Sub-Topic under which the abstract was originally submitted.